In 2010, Skagit Land Trust purchased the 20 acre Sumner Lake Conservation Area. The lake is referred to as "Summer Lake" in some maps and publications, but is known as "Sumner Lake" locally. This property is directly adjacent to a Skagit Land Trust conservation easement on another 7 acres of lakefront property. Hundreds of acres of surrounding lands, including the rest of Sumner Lake, are managed by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources.
Sumner Lake Conservation Area consists of 20 acres on the North side of Sumner Lake.
Sumner Lake features low-elevation bog, which is a unique wetland habitat. The network of wetlands adjacent to the lake connects to streams that flow into the Nookachamps basin. These wetlands offer many benefits such as wildlife habitat, floodwater storage, water purification and ground water recharge.
The sensitive wetland habitat of Sumner Lake, inventoried by the Native Plant Society, is home to plants such as Labrador tea, western swamp laurel and bog cranberry. Birds found here include the Hooded Mergansers, Wood Ducks, Pygmy and Barred Owls, Western Tanagers and many other songbirds. The wetland is also thought to provide habitat for a variety of bog-dependant arachnid species.
Students from Emerson High School help remove ivy for the forested part of the property.
Stewardship goals for this property include the removal of invasive species to protect the unique wetland habitat found here. Invasive plants on this property include reed canary grass, Himalayan blackberry, and ivy.
Click here to view information about the land stewards for this and other Skagit Land Trust properties.
Volunteers helped diversify the forest at Sumner Lake by planting native species in 2019.
This site is open to low-impact public use for community enjoyment, but there is no official developed access. We ask all visitors to Sumner Lake refrain from walking on the sensitive bog habitat. Visitors may not develop trails or platforms on the bog.

Click on the map above for an enlarged image. Map generated using 2017 NAIP aerial imagery.
Drive east on Divisions St to Hwy 9 S. Turn right onto Hwy 9 S. After 4.7 miles turn left onto Lake Cavanaugh Rd. The property is located about 3 miles south on Lake Cavanaugh Rd. The lake and bog may be viewed from Lake Cavanaugh Road. The west side of the property may be accessed by walking along WA state owned Department of Natural Resources roads, which can be accessed from Lake Cavanaugh Rd to the south of of the lake.